Lockdown Life: 2nd Installment with Claire Bunney

Claire Bunney
Distribution & Warehouse Manager
(creative problem solver & shoe dyeing expert)
What Have You Been Up To During Lockdown?
During lockdown I have been busy with the decorating I never found the time to get round to doing. The sewing machine has been dusted off for making face masks for friends and family, a teddy bear made from an old pair of jeans and some machine embroidery. I’ve enjoyed having the extra time at home to try new recipes and grow my own vegetables.
How Have You Been Keeping In Touch With Others?
Video calls have been great for keeping in touch with everyone.
What New Habits Have You Formed And Which Ones Do You Want To Keep In The Future?
A new habit I’d like to keep is being less wasteful

What Have You Learnt From The Lockdown That Will Shape Your Life In The Future, What Have You Discovered About Yourself?
I am glad I already had a lot of hobbies I could continue to do at home and that I should find the time to carry on with them on returning to work
What Have You Been Missing Most? What Have You Been Missing Most About Work??
I have missed the feeling of being part of a team at work.
What Is Your Favourite Shoe In Our 2020 Collection?
Favourite shoe is easy! Esme, it’s just sooooo comfortable

Is There Anything Else You Want To Tell Us About Your Lockdown Time?
Lockdown has seen the arrival of my gorgeous niece, looking forward to cuddles with her eventually